Aa-Purti : Production Planning & Control System

AA-Purti - Production Planning & Control System

Production Planning & Control system helps for converting forecast into operational plans. Which then further helps to generate Production and Procurement Plan.

Forecast Analysis

Analysing forecasts by Brands, Signatures, Probable Obsoletes, Deliverability of Forecast; offering platform for production planning.

Production Plan (Macro)

Continuing batten from Forecasting, proposed ideal production plan is put to the test of constraints / limitations and formulate deliverable forecast.

Production Plan (Micro)

Considering priorities, capacity constraints, efficiency parameters and other limiting factors the production plan is iterated to fit the best possible realistic production plan.

Procurement Planning

Forecasts are fuelled into BOM explosion to derive consumption plan which corrected with inventories and pipeline stocks are converted into Procurement plan.


  • Extrapolate forecast
  • Compare inventory and pipeline stock(s)
  • Ideal production plan
  • Capacity constraints
  • Stock Covers/target stocks.
  • Process production plan
  • Realistic production plan
  • BOM Explosion
  • Material consumption plan
  • Stock correction
  • Correction of open orders
  • Process procurement plan
  • Finalize production plan
  • Finalize procurement plan
  • Analysis & Reporting