Asset Management

Asset Management System

Asset Management System, is beneficial for Companies having assets. System helps to manage the Asset Registration, Asser Ownership, Asset Movement, Financial Impacts and Asset Expiry.

Benefits of Asset Management

Asset Register

  • Flexible Coding System -
  • Valuation Class of the asset
  • Depreciation Methods
    • SLM – Straight Line Method
    • WDV – Written Down Value
  • Componentization of assets
  • Asset In Progress Code (CWIP) (Capital Work In Progress)
  • Asset Code Creation
  • Costing Heads

Asset Schedule

  • Documentation Management
  • Depreciation Management
  • Adjustment in Net Book Value
  • Insurance Management
  • Usage Management
  • Reporting
    • Book Value by class
    • Depreciation for Year
    • Closing Net Book Value for year

Internal Controls

  • Location Management
  • Transfer Management
  • Ownership Management
  • Retirement Management
  • Documentation Management
  • Asset in Use
  • Insurance Information
    • Insurance Due
    • Insurance Lapsed


  • Classification / Categorization of Assets
  • Asset Depreciation
  • Insurance
  • Additions during the Year
  • Removal/Deletions during the year
  • Asset Valuation