
Kaizen (Continuous Improvement) Management

Kaizen Management is beneficial for all the business. Kaizen is a Japanese term meaning "Change for the Better" or "Continuous Improvement". It is a Japanese business philosophy regarding the processes that continuously improve operations and involve all employees. Kaizen sees improvement in productivity as a gradual and methodical process. It is basically management technique to avoid chaos in the production and offices.

Employees who actually perform work can provide effective suggestions for the betterment of the Production, Operations or Business Process. It starts with employee sharing his Improvement idea (Initiation), which then evaluated by Cross Functional Teams on all aspects (Evaluation), after Approvals pilot is done at one place Implementation. Once the desired results are achieved then it is implemented across the companies in multiple places as Standard solution.

Benefits of Kaizen


  • Ideas are captured in system.
  • Initial evaluation is done by Responsible person
  • In case not appropriate feedback it given to initiator


  • Cross Functional Team evaluates the idea
  • Feedback is given to initiator


  • Evaluation of the idea is done and benefits areas are identified
  • Financial Impact and Benefits are captured


  • Idea is assigned to a specific person for Implementation
  • Implementation schedule is tracked
  • Implementation status is maintained.


  • Depending on First Implementation result, the idea is implemented across company
  • Overall Benefits of Idea
  • Overall Savings
  • Process Improvement/Update


  • Results are captured
  • Rewards & Recognition of Best Ideas
  • Implementation Tracking
  • Documentation
  • Reports