
Our Performance Servics

We provide services in the area of Trend Analysis, Benchmarking, PESTEL Analysis, Business Lifecycle Mapping, Effect of Business Changes, Risk Management, Internal Controls/Audit. We provide services in the area of overall performance measurement and management covering Key Performance Indicators, Unique Selling Points, Performance Improvement program, Change management, Management accounting, Cost accounting; overall economic perspective of business.

Key Performance Indicators

Benchmarking with industry and considering peculiarities of your own business we help you to identify, devise and track KPIs which helps to track the performance and concentrate on areas that needs improvements.

Unique Selling Points

Studying your business and assessing it with market we help you identify your USP which help you to create strong positioning in market.

Performance Improvement program

Taking full view of the business and identifying the dependency matrix and bottlenecks we help you to drive an organization wide KPI improvement program.

Change management

Becoming your change agent, we help you to smoothly implement the changes, in structure / organization / environment of your business.

Balanced Score Card

We can help you to measure the performance from various perspectives through balance score card.

Cost/Management accounting

We can be your management accountant and help you do budgeting, performance analysis, controlling, setting up and implement MIS system, capital budgeting and analysis of information you need to make decision for your business.