
Our Business Servics

We serve in the area of Business cases, Scenario, Make or Buy, Strategic Support, Stakeholder Analysis, Capital Budgeting, Indirect Taxation, SWOT Analysis, Legal/Compliance. Our services range from Idea to Execution.

Business cases

Have a reflection of your business idea put on paper...

We can help you in studying operational and financial feasibility of the complete business case from the inception to the decision point. We will empower you with the complete set of objective information to strengthen your business decision. Our deliverable will normally include a project report comprising of contextual, objective, indicators, detailed report on each indicator, risk matrix and projected financial statements. We use tools like Capital budgeting: NPV / IRR / Payback.

Scenario planning

Beware of your opportunity costs...

Change is the only constant thing. In an absolutely volatile market you may want to assess different ways and means to achieve your business objective. We can help you in building scenarios / assessing scenarios and make decision for choosing best one.

Make or Buy

Should you continue making that you are making today?...

Assessing the financial as well as operational impact of make/buy decision, we can help you to optimize your bottom line.

Support in strategy

Looking for alternatives?...

We can help you in assessing the impact of each strategy that you have in your mind to support you, to choose best one.

Stakeholder analysis

Who impacts you the most?

We can help you in identifying and plotting the power and influence positioning of those who impact your business.

Indirect Taxation

Can tax influence your business decision?

We help you to assess the comprehensive end-to-end impact of taxation covering full value chain and choose the optimized flow.


Do risks exist?

Plotting a SWOT matrix we help you in identifying the risks and mitigating them preferably through your own instinct.